Help us to support women.
Donations can be made by direct deposit to:
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633 000
Account: Shoalhaven Womens Resource Group Ltd
Account number: 157 019 522
Ref: Donation + your name.
Please send an email to including your name and address for delivery of your receipt.
(All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible).
Help us to support women.
Donations can be made by direct deposit to:
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633 000
Account: Shoalhaven Womens Resource Group Ltd
Account number: 157 019 522
Ref: Donation + your name.
Please send an email to including your name and address for delivery of your receipt.
(All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible).
Self-refer or be referred by another service. Our team will assess if we can assist or suggest a more appropriate service.
Working collaboratively in a close team environment, we seek to have a diverse, supportive and culturally safe workplace where every voice is valued within a culture of honesty, integrity and respect for individuality so we can deliver tailored, flexible supports for our clients.
We are primarily funded by the Department of Communities and Justice as a Specialist Homelessness Service together with other grants and donations. There will be documentation-forms to complete and records kept of our interactions. Your documentation is available to you.
We respect your privacy and manage your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy updated on our website. Hard copies available on request.
If you continue with ROCC we will undertake an initial assessment of your stated needs and goals, and then work with you to develop pathways. It is your choice to take the journey offered.
We value your feedback. Contact us by email, call or write to us, or make an appointment.
tel: 02 4444 1103 mail: PO Box 449. Nowra NSW 2541